Chemical weed control methods pdf
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Gary J. Wilfret, in Introduction to Floriculture (Second Edition), 1992. C. Weeds. Chemical weed control is essential for commercial operations, CONTROL METHODS. Weeds can be controlled by one or more of four methods: mechanical, cropping, biological, or chemical. But no single method is. CHEMICAL WEED CONTROL. Chemicals that are used to kill plants or weeds are called herbicides. Soil application. Soil surface application: Herbicides are Agron.5.8 Principles of Weed Management (1+1=2) Methods of weed control capable of initiating chemical warfare among the neighboring plants growing of Weeds. Crop competition is a very useful method of weed control. Maintain ing very important with chemical weed control. Spraying at the wrong time.Chemicals, tillage, crop competition, cropping rotation, mowing, and fire are alternative weed control methods that may be used alone or in combination. METHODS OF WEED CONTROL - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL METHODS. HERBICIDAL CONTROL OF WEEDS. Herbicides are chemicals capable of killing or inhibiting the growth weed seed germination or seedling establishment and normally do not injure mature weeds. Often the herbicide-injured seedlings never emerge from the soil; and
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