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Comparative Study of Politics: Nature and Scope. 1.2.1 Comparisons: Identification of Relationships. 1.2.2 Comparative Politics and Comparative Government. Request PDF | The Scope of Comparative Political Theory | The article examines the emergence and implications of comparative political theory (CPT). COMPARATIVE POLITICAL ANALYSIS. 1) Comparative Politics : Meaning, Nature and Scope. 2) Theoretical Framework. : Systems theory, Structural. Secondly, comparative government was chiefly confined to the study of the political institutions of western democratic countries. On the other hand comparative Comparative Politics : Nature & Scope. E-content for Political Science, MA Sem -I. Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Singh, Ex .Head, Dept. of Pol. The scope of Comparative Politics includes the study of all the formal and informal, governmental and extra-governmental, which are directly or indirectly Meaning, Nature and Scope of Comparative Politics. UNIT 2. Approaches to the study of Comparative Politics. ( Historical, Institutional- Legal, Behavioural
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